Pion Design wishes all of you a Happy New Year,
and today we are glad and honored to present our
Design Team for 2015:
Minna Paajanen, Finland
Anne Kristine Skovborg Holt, Norway
Marianne Skjelstad, Norway
Mona Vestpåsveen, Norway
Ewa Mrozowska, Poland
Marzena Ziuziakowska, Poland
Teresa Dieguez Risco, Spain
Annica Hedberg, Sweden
Johanna Westin, Sweden
Tracy Payne, UK
Tara Brown, USA
Lisa Griffith, USA
Mona Pendleton, USA
We are convinced that 2015 will be a fabulous year,
filled with beautiful and inspiring projects!
by Pion Design
A big welcome to a bunch of really talented ladies here, that we all know and admire for their outstanding and beautiful work. So it can only be an amazing year in the craftworld then and I look sooo forward to see, what you all have to share of great new ideas ladies.
A very Happy New Year to everyone there at Pion Design and let´s all have a blast of a year 2015 now.
Happy New Year everyone.
thank you:)